
Comments (309)

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This makes me HouseBakedTexture3

яне момогускачять

Can you make an android version of the game

Mobile port please 🥺

Download For Android?

All characters in this game (with the exception of Slender Man and the Giftiz Gift Box) are property of @DVloper , and I claim no ownership of them. Please support the original creator by checking out his games, available on Google Play, the App Store, and Steam.

This is a 3D re-imagining of DVloper Ultimate Custom Night: A Shadowed Tale by @WitheredSalvageAleks . Make sure to check it out!


Granny and Slendrina are hosting a get-together for all their family and friends, and the best news is, you're the main star of the attraction. You've been invited (read: taken) to their humble abode, where you'll spend countless nights meeting (and hopefully keeping your distance from) all your new friends.

Every night has you questioning if it could be your last... Can you survive the challenges they've prepared for you? Or will you meet a grisly end at the hands of one of the many killers wandering the dark corridors...?


-28 characters spanning from all across DVloper's works

-A plethora of mechanics to learn and utilize for your survival

-10 themed challenges to offer varied gameplay experiences

-Tons of unlockable skins and other customization options

-An endless gamemode to test the limits of your skill

#fangame #horror #granny #slendrina #fnaf #pointnclick

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Update News

Please read the article for full details.

Hotfix v1.0.3

-Fixed a few issues with save files.

Hopefully the last update for a while; sorry about all the re-downloading needed. For now, sights are set for the eventual 1.1 update adding some actual new content. :)

Hotfix 1.0.2

-Fixed tips screen, which contains some helpful info.

-Made window resizeable in windowed mode. Use Alt+Enter to toggle fullscreen/windowed.

-Clarified some text.

-Other quality of life additions.

Full details in the article. Sorry for delay.

Hotfix update v1.0.1

-Clarified some text.

-Big nerfs to Slendrina & Teddy combo.

-Minor bug fixes.

More details are available in the article.


Hello everyone! The game is now available for download. I appreciate your patience while I sorted things out and really polished off this final release.

Thanks so much for your support! Enjoy the game!!

Progress Report 4

Just to offer a brief update, it looks like I'm gonna miss the May estimate by just a couple of days. Sorry about that; the game is very, very near to completion and still won't be much longer.

Thanks for keeping up with me! Stay tuned!


Beta - Crazy Killers

As SFFaFN rapidly approaches the end of development, I sent a near-final build to a couple of friends for play-testing.

Crixym has uploaded a video showcasing one of the challenges Aleks didn't cover before:

SFFaFN Betatest Crazy Killers
Thanks @Buttery Stancakes for giving me the betatest for SFFaFN. I really enjoyed playing this, good job.My Discord: 2 more mem...

Progress Report 3

At this point, all of the characters are 100% complete, and can be seen walking on the cameras. Furthermore, all but one of the rooms are fully designed.

Still on a very good track to get this released before May is over! Stay tuned!!


Beta Showcase

@WitheredSalvageAleks , the creator of the original DUCN, uploaded a video showcasing an early beta of SFFaFN. Go check it out and wish him a happy birthday if you haven't :)

Slendrina's Freakish Friends And Family Night Beta Gameplay
NOTICEThis is not a public beta. Buttery sent me this for my birthday (My birthday is 30/4)Made by Buttery Stancakes:

Progress Report 2

Hello everyone! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that the game is still coming along well. I don't think I will be able to release in April but I think it'll definitely be ready in May at this rate. Thanks for your patience!